Finally Boy Vest is released!
First, download Instructions here
Notes of pattern support for this project:
Boy Vest features an interesting construction. Vest is knit in the round from bottom up, and it is worked in merino wool with DK weight yarn. Seamed only in shoulders. Color work is made with scrap contrasted yarn colors. Very easy and fast to make.
Notions that will be needed:
Setting up rows for both sides back and front:
Use a stitch marker to divide circumference of body into two equal half.
Make sure before work front, wind a second ball of main color because both fronts are knitted at same time from the right to left one.
Placing stitches for underarm in scrap yarn:
After first stitch marker, which it has been used since the project started on hem ribbing, knit to 2 (3, 2, 3, 2, 3) stitches before next marker that had been just located to divide body half circumference. Place the next 4 (6, 4, 6, 4, 6) stitches in a scrap yarn. These stitches include the (2,3,2,3,2,3) stitches before marker, and after stitch marker; slip marker in between stitches.
Working both fronts:
With the circular needle, knit 24 (26, 27, 31, 32, 35) stitches. Place the next 2 (1, 2, 1, 1, 1) center stitches in a holder.
With same circular needle, Knit the other side of front 24 (26, 27, 31, 32, 35) stitches, and place next 4 (6, 4, 6, 4, 6) stitches on scrap yarn, and slip marker again in between them.
Let the next cross back stitches held on the scrap yarn. They will be worked after front is done.
Neckline or armhole number of stitches in this case should be no divisible by 4 because of pattern (k2,p2). It is needed a mirror for sides stitches of V. It means. In the case of neckline, if starting to purl 2 stitches on right side of the cross back stitches for neck, and if working with 16 stitches, necessarily will be needed 2 more purl stitches at the end of that row in order to have equal amount of k2, p2 stitches facing for V side by side of center stitch.
Double decrease:
Work a simple decrease making a Sk2p (slip the center stitch and then the stitch before together knit wise, knit the next stitch, then pass the two slipped stitches over the next stitch), this creates the raised stitch in the center, continue ribbing pattern.
Binding Off in Ribbing Pattern:
Time to remove the project from the needles you have been knitting with.
Knit stitches: bind off knit wise
Purl stitches: bind off purl wise
Bind off stitch by place yarn in front to purl, yarn in back to knit and to bind off.
Knit the first two stitches, lift up the lower stitch over the second stitch of the needle and let the lower loop off. For the next stitch, place yarn in the front of the needle an purl it. Then, move yarn to back in order to bind off. Next stitch is a purl so wrap yarn around needle in front again and purl that stitch, then move the yarn to the back of the needle and lift up the lower stitch over the second stitch of the needle, and let it off.
Steam block or wet block this garment carefully according to yarn label.
Get ride of moisture: Place the garment in a towel, and wrap it. Carefully press it down to get the excess of water out.
Dry flat: extend the garment on a flat mat where you can pin it or just position it in an original form to keep it with dimensions, and preserving the correct sizing.
Happy knitting!
Happy knitting!